German national football team of winemakers
§ 1 Name, seat
1. The association is called “WEINELF DEUTSCHLAND” e.V..
2. It is based in 65366 Geisenheim im Rheingau.
§ 2 Purpose
1. The club sees itself as the German national football team of winemakers. The purpose of the association is to maintain contact through sporting comparisons and cultural events and to exchange ideas with colleagues from the wine industry in other countries, as well as with comparable associations of other population and interest groups. The club's purpose is usually pursued through joint charity football games and accompanying events.
2. The association works selflessly; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
The members of its bodies work on a voluntary basis. Expenses actually incurred can be reimbursed upon proof or through legally permissible lump sums.
3. The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes. purposes are used. The members do not receive payments from the association.
4. It may no person through expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or through disproportionate high remuneration is encouraged.
5. The association is politically and religiously neutral.
§ 3 Membership
1. Any natural or legal person or partnership can be a member of the association.
2. About recording a The general meeting decides on the proposal of the board of directors.
3. Membership ends when the member leaves, is excluded or dies. The resignation takes place by written Termination by the board of directors is only possible at the end of a calendar year.
A member can be excluded from the association if his behavior grossly violates the statutes or the interests of the association. The board decides on the exclusion. Before exclusion, the person concerned must be given the opportunity to comment.
4. Liability claims by members against the association are excluded.
§ 4 Membership fee
1. The membership fee will be in a Contribution regulations are regulated by the general meeting. is to be decided.
§ 5 Organs of the association
1. The organs of the association are:
a) the general meeting, b) the board of directors.
§ 6 General Meeting
1. The general meeting is the highest body of the association and decides on the guidelines according to which the association is run and decides on questions of fundamental importance. It takes place at least once a year.
2. An extraordinary general meeting must be called upon written request from 1/4 of the members to the board, stating the reasons
3. General meetings are called by the board by invitation via email.
The loading period is two weeks.
The deadline begins with the dispatch of the invitation on the following day.
4. The general meeting has the power to make decisions regardless of the number of members present. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of the members present; in the event of a tie the application is rejected.
Written votes only take place if requested by 1/3 of the members present.
5. All members aged 18 and over are entitled to vote.
§ 7 Board of Directors
The board within the meaning of Section 26 BGB consists of:
a) the President,
b) the Vice-President,
c) the managing director. § 7 point 6
Upon request, the general meeting can appoint assessors. or assessors as voting board members.
Upon proposal, the general meeting can elect an honorary president.
2. The board is elected by the general meeting for a period of two years. However, he remains in office even after his term of office has expired until a new election is held in accordance with the statutes.
Only members can be elected. which the I8. have completed their year of life. Different board positions cannot be combined in one person.
3. Board members can only be members of the association. When membership ends, the office of board member also ends.
4. The association will be prosecuted in and out of court. represented by each board member within the meaning of §7 paragraph I a) to c) with individual power of representation. Internally, the President is primarily appointed to represent him, if he is unable to do so, the Vice President and if he is unable to do so, the Managing Director is appointed to represent him.
5. The board conducts the association's business, unless required by law, these statutes or because of the fundamental Significance of the matter requires a resolution by the general meeting is.
6. The board can appoint a managing director serve. The managing director is appointed by board resolution and confirmed at the next general meeting. The managing director confirmed by the general meeting is entitled to vote from this point onwards. Board member.
§ 8 Financial year, annual accounting and auditing
I. The association's fiscal year is the calendar year.
2. The board of directors has submitted the annual statement of the association's financial transactions as part of an orderly course of business by March 30th at the latest. of the following year.
3. Annual statement and the association's financial matters must be examined by two auditors. The auditors are to be elected by the general meeting for a term of two years and can be re-elected (once immediately). Auditor may not be members of the board of directors or belong to a committee appointed by the board.
Instead of electing auditors, the general meeting can appoint a professionally qualified person who is not a member of the association. is to be entrusted with the tasks of auditing the cash register.
4. The board must present the annual accounts and the audit report to the general meeting, which must decide on the discharge of the board.
§ 9 Recording of resolutions
1 . Minutes must be taken of the implementation and resolutions of the general meeting and the board, stating the place, time and voting results. The minutes must be signed by the president or the chairman of the meeting and the secretary.
§ 10 Dissolution of the association
1. The association will be dissolved at a general meeting with at least a 4/5 majority. of the members present.
2. If the association is dissolved, the liquidation will be carried out by the board members in office at the time of the decision to dissolve.
3. If the association is dissolved, the general meeting decides on the use of the association's liquidation assets.
The above amendment to the statutes was unanimously decided at today's general meeting.
Edenkoben, March 19, 2016
Robert Lönarz
- President -